
Julia - Live Video from Southern Souls

There is something magnetic between cats and camera's and though I have a love/hate relationship with cats, this one made it into our video we shot of‪#‎julia‬ with ‪#‎southernsouls‬

It features Dave Zellinsky on cool moves and Jesse Boland on immaculate hair alongside a guest appearance of Jordan Clarke's rooftop and cat.

Southern Souls - Blue Above The Green

'Just like the old days... I'll boost you up and then I'll pass stuff to you.'

I met my friend Jordan Clarke the first day I moved to Victoria about 6 years ago. He was wearing tight pants and liked to talk about videos, so we became friends. We shot the 'Turn The Lights on Bright' video together, 'The Country Where I Came From' video together, and also this box animation video that Ashton Kutcher tweeted about when twitter was still an infant.


I set out to shoot a video with Southern Souls and Jordo told me that the rooftop above his apartment was the best place with the best view... BUT... his neighbours made it very clear they didn't want anyone up there. A video or a project is always best when your heart races a little, when the cops come or you think you are going to die. So we did a little covert operation and handed some of our gear atop this Queen St. roof and shot this video overlooking Toronto. Jordan has since begun to wear baggier pants and now only tells people how to make videos.

I love the first 10 seconds of this video the most, and I hope you enjoy this version of Blue Above The Green.